L.A. Care Marks National Hispanic Heritage Month With a Series of Webinars on Health and Culture in the Hispanic Community

Tomorrow is the start of National Hispanic Heritage Month, an annual celebration of the history, culture, and contributions of Americans whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. The theme this year is Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation. L.A. Care Health Plan, the largest publicly operated health plan in the country, will join the celebration with a series of four webinars that will illustrate the health plan’s commitment to advancing health equity, which means everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible.

The four webinars will focus on topics ranging from Hispanic culture, including food and family, to health disparities, including mental health and diabetes. The first webinar will include a message from the Chair of the L.A. Care Board of Governors, Hector De La Torre, and the final webinar will close with a message from L.A. Care CEO John Baackes.

Here are the details on each webinar, which are open to everyone, and available in three languages:

A Celebration of Lived Experiences
Thursday, September 15
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Moderator: Maritza Lebron, Member, L.A. Care Community Advisory Committee

  • Gladys Álvarez, Member, Community Advisory Committee
  • Marina Garcia, Member, Community Advisory Committee
  • Bárbara Guerrero, Health Promoter
  • Pedro Martinez, Member, Community Advisory Committee and Health Promoter
  • Ana Rodriguez, Member, Community Advisory Committee and Health Promoter

Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84883173269?pwd=V0dEMWljTU0wbEJLT0JiRGFwSGJyUT09
Call-In Information:

  • English – 1-415-655-0002; Access Code: 2486 787 0963
  • Spanish – 1-415-655-0002; Access Code: 2483 902 3156
  • Khmer – 1-415-655-0002; Access Code: 2494 770 9698

The Impact of Health Disparities on Mental Health
Thursday, September 22
10:00 – 12:00 pm
Moderator: Francisco Oaxaca, Chief of Communications and Community Relations, L.A. Care health Plan

  • Jeannie B. Concha, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Public Health Science, University of Texas, El Paso
  • Cipiriano Lujan, Diabetes Garage Program Participant, University of Texas, El Paso

Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81090433503?pwd=QUZLeGx6VHlkcHQ5Q2p4M1gvMHBrQT09
Call-In Information:

  • English – 1-415-655-0002; Access Code: 2494 776 8850
  • Spanish – 1-415-655-0002; Access Code: 2492 023 7625
  • Khmer – 1-415-655-0002; Access code: 2494 671 5376

A Celebration of Food and Family: Live Cooking Demonstration
Thursday, October 6
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Moderator: Roland Palencia, Professor, California State University, Northridge

  • Sonia Guzman, MS, MPH, CHES, Chef

Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81738400807?pwd=MjVteXVyWnlkZ21EL3cvRmVyMXRIZz09
Call-In Information:

  • English – 1-415-655-0002; Access Code: 2480 591 4733
  • Spanish – 1-415-655-0002; Access Code: 2482 808 8004
  • Khmer – 1-415-655-0002; Access Code: 2487 295 1869

Latino Health and Wellness: How Diet Impacts Diabetes
Thursday, October 13
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Moderator: Sonia Vasquez, Director, Center for Health Equity, L.A. County Department of Public Health

  • Janine Souffront, RD, Supervisor, L.A. Care Health Plan
  • Lisa Diaz, MSN, RN, PHN, CDCES, Pomona Valley Hospital
  • Maria Lemus, Executive Director, Visión y Compromiso

Special Guest:
Jessica M. Wilson, MFA, Los Angeles Poetry Society

Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88981984305?pwd=dHU3U2xUZFJqOTlWeDg3K3hDT1VoZz09
Call-In Information:

  • English – 1-415-655-0002; Access Code: 2494 776 8850
  • Spanish – 1-415-655-0002; Access Code: 2493 562 2914
  • Khmer – 1-415-655-0002; Access Code: 2487 867 0897