L.A. Care provides Community Supports, medically appropriate and cost-effective services and settings, to address Members’ health-related social needs. Community Supports are intended to help Members lead healthier lives and avoid higher, more costly levels of care. These services include:
- Asthma Remediation
- Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (Home Modifications)
- Day Habilitation Programs
- Housing Deposits
- Housing Transition Navigation Services
- Housing Tenancy and Sustaining Services
- Meals As Medicine
- Personal Care and Homemaker Services
- Recuperative Care (Medical Respite)
- Respite Services
- Sobering Centers
- Short-Term Post-Hospitalization Housing
- Nursing Facility Transition/Diversion to Assisted Living Facilities
- Community Transition Services/Nursing Facility Transition to a Home
L.A. Care also offers other Community Health services, which you may learn more about below.

Housing Transition Navigation Services & Housing Tenancy and Sustaining Services
Includes services to help members who are homeless find housing and maintain safe and stable tenancy

Recuperative Care
Short-term residential care for individuals experiencing homelessness and need to heal from an injury or illness

Meals As Medicine
Home-delivered meal program that aims to improve health outcomes and address barriers associated with food insecurity

Housing Deposits
Assists with identifying, coordinating, securing, or funding one-time services and modifications necessary to establish a basic household that do not constitute room and board

Sobering Centers
Alternative destinations for individuals who are found to be publicly intoxicated and would otherwise be transported to the emergency department or jail

Personal Care and Homemaker Services
Supports individuals who need assistance with daily activities, such as bathing, getting dressed, personal hygiene, cooking and eating

Respite Services
Short-term services provided to caregivers of those who require occasional temporary supervision to give relief to the caregiver

Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (Home Modifications)
Physical adaptations to a home to ensure the health and safety of the Member and may include ramps and grab bars

Asthma Remediation
Physical modifications to a home environment to protect against acute asthma episodes.

Day Habilitation
Day Habilitation Programs are provided in a Member’s home or an out-of-home, non-facility setting.

Nursing Facility Transition/Diversion to Assisted Living Facilities
Nursing Facility Transition/Diversion services assist individuals to live in the community and/or avoid institutionalization when possible.

Community Transition Services/Nursing Facility Transition to a Home
Non-recurring set-up expenses for individuals who are transitioning from a nursing home to a home setting in a private residence.

Short Term Post Hospitalization Housing
Short-Term Post-Hospitalization Housing provides individuals with ongoing supports necessary for recuperation and recovery such as gaining (or regaining) the ability to perform activities of daily living.