L.A. Care Sponsors National Latina Women’s Conference

L.A. Care Sponsors National Latina Women’s Conference

L.A. Care Staffers Hold Panel on the Intersection of Mental Health and Pursuing Goals

The Mexican American Opportunity Foundation, a nonprofit that provides various social services and advocacy for Latinos across California, is holding its 41st Annual National Latina Women’s Conference today, and L.A. Care Health Plan is again a proud sponsor of the event. The theme of this year’s event is Together We Rise/Juntas Nos Levantamos. The conference, which will include multiple panels, will be attended primarily by high school and college Latinas.

L.A. Care is hosting a panel titled The Intersection of Mental Health and Pursuing Your Goals with four L.A. Care staffers. They include:

  • Delia Mojarro, Director, Social Services
  • Eri Estrada, Manager, Communications and Community Relations
  • Liliana Lopez, Supervisor, Workforce and Education
  • Mariah Walton, Community Relations Specialist – Moderator

The panelists will delve into their professional goals and how the pandemic impacted those goals. They will talk about how they addressed mental health needs during a very challenging time and how they knew support was needed. As highly accomplished professionals, they will offer advice to the attendees on how to manage mental health while pursuing professional and personal goals.

The National Latina Women’s Conference is being held:

The L.A. Care-hosted panel is being held at 11:00 am.