L.A. Care CEO Featured Speaker at Healthcare Executives of Southern California Program

The CEO of L.A. Care Health Plan, John Baackes, is the featured speaker for the September Learning from Experience program offered each month by Healthcare Executives of Southern California (HCE). The program brings together health care executives to foster learning and networking. It’s designed to give newer executives a glimpse into the leadership traits driving today’s health care industry.

Baackes will describe what it’s like to lead the largest publicly operated health plan in the country, which serves more than 2.4 million members in Los Angeles County. He will share the challenges and opportunities the health plan has had serving members during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Baackes will also provide details about his more than 40 years in the industry, serving as a top executive for health plans in Philadelphia, Massachusetts and New York. He currently serves on the boards of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), California Association of Health Plans (CAHP), Local Health Plans of California (LHPC), Project Angel Food, and Urban Voices Project.

HCE is one of the largest local chapters affiliated with the American College of Healthcare Executives. In additional to providing networking and leadership development opportunities, HCE supports healthcare professionals with relevant educational programming on current trends and best practices.

Learning from Experience is tomorrow, September 29, from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. It is approved for one American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Qualified Education credit. Anyone interested in attending the virtual event you can purchase tickets here.