L.A. Care Urges Uninsured Angelenos to Take Advantage of the Financial Help Offered through the American Rescue Plan

Before COVID-19, Los Angeles County had the highest number of uninsured residents in the state – more than 800,000. With the the pandemic job losses and, in many cases, loss of employee-based insurance, that number could be higher now. But the American Rescue Plan, which was signed into law in March 2021, offers financial assistance through the Affordable Care Act that could help many gain much-need health coverage for themselves and their families.

L.A. Care Health Plan wants to make sure that Angelenos are taking advantage of the new benefits, which could include high quality health care for as little as one dollar per month. One way it will get the word out is through an informational Facebook Live event it is co-hosting next week with Optum, its largest L.A. Care Covered™ provider group.

Health care can be quite complicated. L.A. Care wants to make it easier to understand. Karen Rios, Product Sales Supervisor for the L.A. Care Covered product and Rob Griffith, Director of Sales and Growth for Optum, will help their Facebook Live audience understand all the changes related to getting insurance on the Covered California exchange.

Among the topics they will cover:

  • How long does the special enrollment period last?
  • Who qualifies to buy insurance during this special enrollment period?
  • Who qualifies for new federal subsidies?
  • How can one apply?
  • What are the benefits?
  • What are the costs?

The Facebook Live event is Thursday, May 13, at 1:00 pm.

The COVID-19 pandemic makes access to quality health care more important than ever. While this Facebook Live event will provide important information, the health plan always has experts on hand to make the enrollment process easy.

L.A. Care serves only L.A. County, understanding the needs of its diverse community best, which has been especially important during the health crisis of the past year. The Facebook Live event is another example of how L.A. Care prioritizes health care quality, access and inclusion for all of LA.

Join the Facebook Live event @LACareHealth.


View Facebook Live event here.