The L.A. Care/Blue Shield Promise Community Resource Center Newsletter Named Best Health Care Online Newsletter Campaign

2021 Internet Advertising Competition Award

The L.A. Care Blue Shield Promise Community Resource Center monthly newsletters are used to share important information with key community partners that work with the resource centers to serve our mutual clients. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the newsletters have been instrumental in informing partners about virtual programming and important community events such as free drive-thru food pantries and COVID-19 vaccine clinics. The Community Resource Center newsletters have proven so valuable to community partners over the past year that the project has been named the 2021 Best Health Care Online Newsletter Campaign by the Internet Advertising Competition (IAC).

The Web Marketing Association, which was founded to set a high standard for Internet marketing and corporate web development, created the the IAC Awards to provide companies in 96 industries the opportunity to have their best work judged against others in their industry.

Newsletters allow you to get a specific message to your target audience, which helps to develop a stronger relationship with that audience. That resource center partner relationship ultimately can help reinforce the trusting relationship between L.A. Care and its members.