L.A. Care Selected to Participate in a Year-Long Homelessness Learning Community

L.A. Care Health Plan, the nation’s largest publicly operated health plan, is pleased to announce that it has been selected to participate in a year-long statewide initiative to learn about innovative approaches to improving health services for people experiencing homelessness. The Center for Health Care Strategies, with support from the California Health Care Foundation, is launching the California Health Care and Homelessness Learning Community. The initiative will bring together stakeholders from throughout California.

L.A. Care and the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) applied together to join the Learning Community, to expand on an existing collaboration and explore solutions to better integrate health and homeless services for their shared clients and members. The Learning Community can offer promising practices on improving social determinants of health for homeless members and approaches to data sharing between health and homeless organizations. L.A. Care and LAHSA want to collaborate on a shared advocacy platform to promote policies and regulations that can improve the delivery and quality of health services to people experiencing homelessness, such as CalAIM.

The Learning Community will run on two tracks: one for managed care plans and one for providers. L.A. Care and LAHSA will be in the managed care track. L.A. Care representatives in the Learning Community will be Alison Klurfeld, Director of Safety Net Programs and Partnerships, Delia Mojarro, Director of Social Services, Jessica Jew, Senior Program Manager of Safety Net Initiatives, and Becky Lee, Program Manager of Safety Net Initiatives.