L.A. Care Hosts Blood Drive as Country Faces an Extreme Shortage

The American Red Cross is experiencing an emergency blood and platelet shortage with the country’s blood supply dropping to its lowest post-summer level in at least six years. In recent weeks, the Red Cross has seen less than a day’s supply of certain blood types. L.A. Care Health Plan, the largest publicly operated health plan in the country, is stepping up to help, hosting its ninth blood drive since the pandemic began today in downtown Los Angeles.

Why is there an emergency blood shortage?

Since the start of the pandemic, thousands of blood drives have been canceled due to COVID-19 lockdowns and social distancing restrictions. But now, as restrictions are lifted, more people are out. There has not only been an increase in serious traffic accidents, but also a resumption of elective surgeries that had been put on hold when hospitals were overburdened by COVID-19 patients.

With less than a day’s supply of certain blood types in recent weeks, the Red Cross asks donors of all blood types – especially type O − to make an appointment to give blood or platelets as soon as possible to ensure patients can receive the lifesaving transfusions they need.

The Red Cross staff continues to follow strict safety protocols, including holding the drive in a large conference room, to allow for social distancing.

Other Red Cross safety protocols include:

  • Both volunteers and donors will wear masks at all times
  • Staff will wear gloves and change them often
  • All donor-touched surfaces will be sanitized after each donation
  • Sterile collection sets will be used for every donation
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided for use before entering and throughout the donation appointment 


The American Red Cross will be at:
L.A. Care Health Plan
1055 West 7th Street, Los Angeles, Room 100
Tuesday, October 26
9:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Media welcome 10:00 am – Noon

Sign up to donate here.