Day Habilitation

Day Habilitation Programs are provided in a Member’s home or an out-of-home, non-facility setting. The programs are designed to assist the Member in acquiring, retaining, and improving self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to reside successfully in the person’s natural environment.

Day Habilitation Program services include, but are not limited to, training on:
  1. The use of public transportation;

  2. Personal skills development in conflict resolution;

  3. Community participation;

  4. Developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships;

  5. Daily living skills (cooking, cleaning, shopping, money management); and,

  6. Community resource awareness such as police, fire, or local services to support independence in the community.

Programs may include assistance with, but not limited to, the following:
  1. Selecting and moving into a home;

  2. Locating and choosing suitable housemates;

  3. Locating household furnishings;

  4. Settling disputes with landlords;

  5. Managing personal financial affairs;

  6. Recruiting, screening, hiring, training, supervising, and dismissing personal attendants;

  7. Dealing with and responding appropriately to governmental agencies and personnel;

  8. Asserting civil and statutory rights through self-advocacy;

  9. Building and maintaining interpersonal relationships, including a circle of support;

  10. Coordination with Medi-Cal managed care plan to link Member to any Community Supports and/or enhanced care management services for which the Member may be eligible;

  11. Referral to non-Community Supports housing resources if Member does not meet Housing Transition/Navigation Services Community Support eligibility criteria;

  12. Assistance with income and benefits advocacy including General Assistance/ General Relief and SSI if Member is not receiving these services through Community Supports or Enhanced Care Management; and

  13. Coordination with Medi-Cal managed care plan to link Member to health care, mental health services, and substance use disorder services based on the individual needs of the Member for Members who are not receiving this linkage through Community Supports or Enhanced Care Management.

Eligibility Criteria:


Restrictions and Limitations:
  • Member declines services
  • Members enrolled with plan partners (Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan) are not eligible for L.A. Care's Day Habilitation Programs CS
  • Community Supports shall supplement and not supplant services received by the MediCal beneficiary through other State, local, or federally-funded programs, in accordance with the CalAIM STCs and federal and DHCS guidance

Provider Referral Process

  1. Provider identifies eligible member for Day Habilitation.
  2. Provider submits Day Habilitation referral through secure fax or email.
  3. L.A. Care reviews Day Habilitation referral and approves, denies, or requests more information.

Ready to refer? Please use our service authorization request form linked below.

Download the Service Authorization Request Form