Tools and Programs for Patient Care

At L.A. Care Health Plan, we believe in empowering you and our members with the knowledge and resources needed for healthier lives. As a contracted provider, you have access to a comprehensive array of health education services and tools designed to support the diverse needs of our community. Explore the many ways we can work together to promote wellness and improve health outcomes for your patients.

Health In Motion™

HIM offers engaging health education services to L.A. Care members, providing resources and support for informed health decisions and healthier behaviors.

Services include but are not limited to:

  • Asthma management
  • COPD management
  • Diabetes prevention
  • Fall prevention
  • Heart health
  • Healthy eating
  • Stress management
  • Women’s health
  • Pregnancy and postpartum self-care

HIM provides in-person or virtual workshops and telephonic consultations tailored to individual health needs. We also collaborate with Community Resource Centers for classes.

To get started, use our Health Education referral form.

The Health Education Department at L.A. Care has registered dietitians who provide comprehensive telephonic and virtual nutrition consults upon referral. To refer members for nutrition consultation, find the necessary forms here: 

Diabetes and Cultural Foods Guide: This guide supports providers in counseling patients with diabetes from various cultural backgrounds. 

Food choices are influenced by culture, beliefs, experiences, and acculturation. Making assumptions can impact the quality of diet and nutrition advice. Enhance your ability to counsel patients with diabetes from diverse cultural backgrounds using our Diabetes and Cultural Foods Guide. Discover common beliefs and practices and explore dietary suggestions tailored for Hispanic/Latino, African American, Middle Eastern, and Asian groups.

Therapeutic/Clinical Ancillary Services

These services  require a service authorization form from the treating provider. Find the forms at

  • Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT): Nutrition and lifestyle counseling provided by registered dietitians to manage various health conditions effectively.                                                                          
  • Meals as Medicine (MAM): Offers home-delivered, medically-tailored meals to eligible members to support their health and recovery. 
Online Health Education (Wellness portal)

MyHealthInMotion (MyHIM): Comprehensive wellness portal providing disease prevention information, self-assessment tools, educational modules, and online health coaching.


  • Wellness assessment and personal health report
  • Health trackers compatible with devices like Fitbit
  • Interactive online health workshops
  • Chat feature and calendar for appointments with health coaches
  • Digital health information library

Members can sign in at by clicking “Member Sign in” then the “My Health In Motion™” tab.

Did you know we help members access the wellness portal by guiding them through the process over the phone? To get started, just select My Health In Motion on the health education referral form.

Health Education Materials

We offer medically accurate, culturally sensitive, and linguistically appropriate health education materials at no cost. 

Visit our self service portal to order Health Education and Cultural & Linguistic Materials 

You can request written health education material in your patient's preferred language or alternative formats such as large print. To begin the request for alternative formats, please email us.

If you are a first-time user, you will need to create a new account (different from your L.A. Care Provider Portal account).

Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease Programs
  • Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP): A lifestyle change program to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.
  • Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Program (DSME): ADA recognized program teaching diabetes management and self-care.
Maternity Care Programs
  • Breastfeeding Promotion: Annual campaign promoting breastfeeding benefits and providing support resources.
  • Doula Services Benefit: Medi-Cal covered doula services throughout pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
  • Healthy Mom: Emphasizes postpartum visits, assists in scheduling, and offers a $40 incentive for attending.
  • Healthy Pregnancy: Educational materials mailed to pregnant members.
  • Transitional Care for Birthing Individuals: Support and coordination for pregnant or postpartum members (up to 12 months) after a facility discharge. Includes scheduling follow-up visits and connecting to resources like behavioral health, doula services, and Meals as Medicine.
  • Maternity Care Programs

Prenatal and Postpartum Care Tools and Resources:

Patient care during pregnancy is integral to healthy birth outcomes.  The following perinatal provider materials can support navigating the timeliness of prenatal and postpartum care for your patients.  Learn about HEDIS timelines, scheduling visits, and services for pregnant members

Perinatal health providers can reduce pregnancy-related preventable deaths, severe illnesses, and health disparities by addressing implicit bias. Access learning modules addressing birthing bias in California.


Fight the Flu and COVID: Campaign to increase flu and COVID vaccination through education and awareness activities and promotion of the vaccines.  

Weight Management & Healthy Living Programs
  • Adult Weight Management: Holistic programs for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Pediatric Healthy Lifestyle (PHL): Workshops for ages 2 to <18 focused on preventing and managing childhood obesity.
  • L.A. Cares Tobacco Free Program: Smoking cessation education and resources.
Programs for Specific Conditions (Condition Support Programs)
  • L.A. Cares about Diabetes
  • L.A. Cares about Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
  • L.A. Cares about Asthma
  • L.A. Cares about COPD

We manage disease support programs for these conditions, focusing on education and resources. We send monthly letters to newly identified members with details on creating an account for our health and wellness portal, My Health in Motion™ (MyHIM).

Identified members receive a letter encouraging them to contact us for specific health education materials. 

L.A. Care resources to share with your patients:

Access more information on our services and request forms directly via our Providers Tools and Toolkits page.