Silver 94 HMO
This health insurance plan is for individuals and families with an annual gross income between 133% to 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL), who also meet other applicable guidelines. This would be a good plan for a 40-year-old with an income between 138% ($16,644) and 150% ($18,090). With no deductibles, this plan keeps your out-of-pocket expenses low while providing you with the ability to predict costs over the course of the year.
- No deductibles
- Free preventive care
- Low of out-of-pocket expenses
Out of pocket maximum | $1,000/Member $2,000/Family |
Office visit copays | $5 Primary Care $8 Specialist |
Prescription Drugs | $3 Generic Rx $10 Preferred Brand |
All rates are estimates. Your final premium will be determined once you have completed the application process.