Risks to Patients Exposed to Xylazine in Illicit Drugs

July and August 2024


The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) releases Drug Utilization Review (DUR) articles which provide timely and relevant information on drug-specific therapy issues.

On November 8, 2022 the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) published a drug safety alert to caution health care professionals on patients with potential exposure to xylazine in illicit products.

Xylazine is indicated to sedate and relieve pain in horses and deer. It is not indicated for use in humans and exposure may result in life-threatening side effects similar to opioid overdose. The FDA recommends to continue administering naloxone for opioid overdose, but health care professionals should consider xylazine exposure if patients fail to respond to naloxone or specific symptoms of xylazine exposure are identified such as necrotic skin ulcerations.