Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (Home Modifications)

Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (EAAs, also known as Home Modifications) are physical adaptations to a home that are necessary to ensure the health, welfare, and safety of the individual, or enable the individual to function with greater independence in the home: without which the Member would require institutionalization. 

Examples of environmental accessibility adaptions include: 

  • Custom ramps and grab-bars to assist Members in accessing the home;
  • Doorway widening for Members who require a wheelchair;
  • Stair lifts;
  • Making a bathroom and shower wheelchair accessible (e.g., constructing a roll-in shower).
  • Installation of specialized electric and plumbing systems that are necessary to accommodate the medical equipment and supplies of the Member; and
  • Installation and testing of a Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) for Members who are alone for significant parts of the day without a caregiver and who otherwise require routine supervision (including monthly service costs, as needed).

Eligibility Requirements

Individuals at risk for hospitalization or institutionalization in a nursing facility. 


  • If Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is available and would accomplish the same goals of independence and avoiding institutional placement, that service should be used. 
  • Home Modifications should not exceed a total lifetime maximum of $7,500. The only exceptions to the $7,500 total maximum are if the Member's place of residence changes or if there are significant change(s) in the Member's condition that additional modifications are necessary to ensure the health and safety of the Member or to enable the Member to function with greater independence in the home and avoid institutionalization or hospitalization. 
  • Modifications are limited to direct medical or remedial benefit and exclude adaptations that are general home improvements or aesthetic embellishments. 
  • Written Homeowner consent is required before the start of a physical adaptation to the home. L.A. Care and the State are not responsible for maintenance or repair of any modification or for the removal of any modification if the Member moves from the residence.