Asthma Remediation

Environmental Asthma Trigger Remediations are physical modifications to a home environment that are necessary to ensure the health, welfare, and safety of the individual, or enable the individual to function in the home and without which acute asthma episodes could result in the need for emergency services and hospitalization. 

Examples of environmental asthma trigger remediations may include: 

  • Allergen-impermeable mattress and pillow dustcovers
  • High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtered vacuums
  • High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) services
  • De-humidifiers
  • Air filters
  • Other moisture-controlling interventions
  • Minor mold removal and remediation services
  • Ventilation improvements
  • Asthma-friendly cleaning products and supplies
  • Other interventions identified to be medically appropriate and cost-effective

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Asthma Remediation services, a Member must:

  • Be an L.A. Care Medi-Cal (MCLA) Member, and
  • Have poorly controlled asthma, as determined by:
    • At least 1 emergency department visit with asthma-related symptoms in the past 12 months, or
    • At least 1 hospitalization with asthma-related symptoms in the past 12 months, or
    • At least 2 sick or urgent care visits in the past 12 months, or
    • A score of 19 or lower on the Asthma Control Test. 

Exclusion Criteria

A Member is not eligible for Asthma Remediation services if any of the following apply: 

  • Another State Plan service, such as Medi-Cal’s Durable Medical Equipment Program, is available and would accomplish the same goals of preventing asthma emergencies or hospitalizations; or 
  • The modifications would not result in the direct medical or remedial benefit to the Member and are of general utility to the household; or 
  • The owner of the habitation declines physical modifications.