Enrolling in health care insurance for the first time can be confusing and daunting. Oftentimes, individuals will look at the monthly premium costs and don't realize that they need to consider the out-of-pocket costs when thinking about their total expense. In addition, out-of-pocket health care costs are increasing, such as prescription drugs and hospital stays.
A low monthly premium is appealing, but, as we know, a large annual deductible can be overwhelming and have unexpected repercussions. It's our job to inform customers about all of the plans that might best benefit them and their families.
For example, L.A. Care Covered's Silver 70 Plan offers an annual deductible of $2,250 ($4,500 for a family). Drug costs are low; most generic drugs cost only $15 per prescription, with an annual pharmacy deductible of $250.
For just a few dollars more, families can purchase the Silver 94 Plan, with an annual medical care deductible of $75 ($150 per family), a zero pharmacy deductible and generic drugs cost only $3 per prescription.