Initial Health Appointment (IHA) Tip Sheet


The Initial Health Appointment (IHA) is a requirement for your newly assigned members who are enrolled in Medi-Cal through L.A. Care. The IHA allows a member and their primary care physician (PCP) to meet, identify, and address current care needs and form a working partnership toward managing the member’s health. 

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) requirements for Initial Health Appointments (IHA) is dictated by APL 22-030. The IHA must be completed within 120 days of enrollment in a primary care setting and a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner for the member and can be completed over multiple visits, using validated tools, and include: 

  • Complete or detailed initial physical and mental health history
  • Identification of risks
  • Age-appropriate assessment for preventive screens or services (see below FAQ for quality measures)
    • Health Risk Assessment
    • Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) screening tool to assess housing instability, functioning, quality of life outcomes and risks, utility needs, interpersonal safety, etc.
    • Cognitive Health Assessment
    • Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening
  • Health education/anticipatory guidance
  • Diagnoses and plan for treatment of any diseases and/or abnormal lab results/assessment findings 

All components of the IHA must be documented in the member’s medical record. 

Documentation Requirements

The IHA must be completed within 120 days of enrollment in a primary care setting and a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner for the member and can be completed over multiple visits and include:

  • Complete or detailed initial physical and mental health history
  • Identification of risks
  • Age-appropriate assessment for preventive screens or services (see below FAQ for quality measures)
  • Health education
  • Diagnoses and plan for treatment of any diseases and/or abnormal lab results/assessment findings 

All components of the IHA must be documented in the member’s medical record. Additionally, 

Refusal: A member or member’s parent(s) may refuse the IHA appointment. In this case, documentation of the refusal should be in the member’s medical record along with any attempts to schedule the IHA. 

Missed Appointment: Should a member miss a scheduled appointment, two additional attempts must be made to reschedule the appointment and documentation must be documented in the member’s medical record. 

Attempts to Schedule: Providers must make and document three documented unsuccessful scheduling attempts to be in compliance with the IHA requirement. 

Implementation Checklist

Each month you will receive an IHA compliance report/scorecard through the Provider Portal. This will include a detailed outreach tab of members assigned to you that are due for an IHA or overdue. The report also includes a list of top five and bottom five providers within the PPG who are the most compliant and least compliant for the IHA. Recommended process is:

  • Assign a person (e.g. office manager) to review the outreach list provided.
  • Contact members at least three times and document all outreach attempts (at least one mail and one phone)
  • Explain to your patients why the IHA is important for establishing a relationship with their provider, for your provider to complete a comprehensive physical and mental health exam and getting necessary preventive health screenings and developing a plan of care for any diagnoses and explain that the cost of the visit is completely free to them. 

L.A. Care offers an Initial Health Appointment (IHA) Training as a self-paced eLearning training in L.A. Care University. More information on training is available at: 

Please reach out to your Account Manager with any questions or for any IHA questions. 

Coding Requirements

“IHA Code List Effective February 2025”

The following CPT and ICD codes, in general, indicate completed IHA:

  • ICD-10: Z00.00, Z00.01, Z00.1, Z00.100, Z00.11, Z00.12, Z00.121, Z00.129, Z00.2, Z00.3, Z00.7, Z00.8, Z71.84, Z71.85, Z71.89, Z34.90-Z34.93, Z001.411, Z01.419 , Z02.0, Z02.1, Z02.2, Z02.3, Z02.4, Z02.5, Z02.6, Z02.7, Z02.71, Z02.79, Z02.8, Z02.82, Z02.89, Z02.9, Z13.220
  • CPT:59400, 59425, 59426, 59510, 59610, 59618, 96156, 96156-52, 96156-TS, 96158, 96159, 96164, 96165, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99213, 99214, 99215, 99244, 99245, 99304, 99305, 99306, 99381-99387, 99391-99397, 99460-99461, 99463
  • HCPCS: G0466-G0470, Z1032, Z1034, Z1038 and Z6500
  • Telehealth codes need to be submitted per originating and distant site factors

Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) have specific rules. When submitting telehealth services claims, use Place of Service (POS) “02-Telehealth,” to indicate you furnished the billed service as a professional telehealth service from a distant site. Modifiers may be needed as well. 

The tabs below list additional codes by Member age:

0 - 18 Months

Initital Health Assessment Criteria

  • All elements of a periodic health assessment:
    • Health and Developmental History and Language Needs
    • Comprehensive physical exam
    • Anticipatory guidance and health education
  • Behavioral Health Assessment


The IHA must be performed within 120 days of enrollment or within the period established by the American Academy of Pediatrics for ages two and younger, whichever is sooner.

Billing Codes:

ICD-10 Codes Z00.1, Z00.11, Z00.121, Z00.129, Z1032, Z1034, Z1038 and Z6500

CPT- Codes 99203-99205, 99213-99215, 99381, 99382, 99391, 99392, 99460-9961, 99463

19 Months - 20 Years

Initital Health Assessment Criteria

  • All elements of a periodic health assessment:
    • Health and Developmental History and Language Needs
    • Comprehensive physical exam
    • Anticipatory guidance and health education
  • Behavioral Health Assessment


The IHA is required to be performed within 120 days of enrollment.

Billing Codes:

ICD-10 Codes Z00.121, Z00.129, Z00.2, Z00.3, Z00.7

CPT Codes 99203-99205, 99213-99215, 99382, 99383, 99384, 99385, 99392, 993923, 99394

21 Years and Older

Initital Health Assessment Criteria

  • A comprehensive history and physical examination, including an initial preventive medicine evaluation
  • Behavioral Health Assessment


  • The IHA is required to be performed within 120 days of enrollment.

Billing Codes:

ICD-10 Codes Z00.00, Z00.01, Z001.411, Z01.419

CPT-Codes 99203-99205, 99213-99215, 99385, 99386, 9387, 99395, 99396, 99397

Pregnant Woman

Initital Health Assessment Criteria

  • A comprehensive initial prenatal visit must be initiated immediately after enrollment or discovering that the member is pregnant.
  • A comprehension postpartum visit.
    • Providers are encouraged to follow the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP) preventive care screening guidelines.


The IHA is required to be performed within 120 days of enrollment. 
The initial prenatal visit will also serve as the IHA for these members if performed within 120 days of enrollment. 
Note:Prior authorization is not required for essential obstetrical services.

Billing Codes:

CPT Codes 59400, 59425, 59426, 59510, 59610, 59618,

HCPCS Codes: Z1032, Z1034, Z6500

All Age of Members

Initital Health Assessment Criteria

  • Health/Nutrition Assessment (IEP/IFSP initial/triennial and annual assessments and non-IEP initial assessments
  • Psychosocial Status Assessments and Re-assessments
  • Individual and group psychological counseling sessions


The IHA is required to be performed within 120 days of enrollment.

Billing Codes:

ICD-10 CodesZ00.8, Z34.90-Z34.93, Z71.84, Z71.85, Z02.0, Z02.1, Z02.2, Z02.3, Z02.4, Z02.5, Z02.6, Z02.7, Z02.71, Z02.79, Z02.8, Z02.82, Z02.89, Z02.9, Z13.220

CPT Codes:96156, 96156-52, 96156-TS, 96158, 96159, 961645

HCPCS Codes: Z6500, G0466-G0470

How to Submit Documentation

L.A. Care does not require providers to regularly submit documentation of each IHA completed. However, if the Corporate Compliance Monitoring team reaches out to you during quarterly monitoring, annual audit or DHCS’ audit to provide files for proof of IHA completion, outreach or member refusals please complete this outreach in a timely manner. 


Providers can receive an incentive for completing their assigned members’ IHA through the Pay For Performance Program (P4P)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the timeframe for completing an IHA?

Each month, L.A. Care provides a list of newly enrolled members due for an IHA to the members’ respective Primary Care Providers (PCPs) and a list of all members due or over-due for an IHA. While all new members are encouraged to schedule their IHA when they join the Plan, PCPs must contact members to schedule the IHA. IHAs must be completed within the timeframes required by the State and L.A. Care. The PCP ensures an IHA is performed within 120 days of enrollment. The IHA can be completed in one or multiple visits. The member’s PCP does not need to complete the IHA if the member’s medical record contains complete IHA information updated within the previous 12 months.

Who can complete the IHA?

A provider must complete the IHA within the primary care medical setting. That could be the member’s PCP, but it also could be one of the following:

  • General Practitioner
  • Board Certified Specialists who provide primary care services such as:
    • Internal Medicine
    • Pediatrics
    • OB/GYN
    • Family Practice
  • Perinatal Care Providers
  • Non-physician mid-level practitioners
    • Nurse Practitioners
    • Certified Nurse Midwives
    • Physician Assistants 
Can the IHA be completed via a virtual visit?

One or more components of the IHA can be completed via telehealth. However, not all components may be achieved via telehealth. 

Are there any exceptions to completing the IHA?


  • If the member’s PCP determines that all of the components of the IHA are complete in the member’s medical record within the previous 12 months, that meets the requirements
  • The member disenrolled before IHA could be performed
  • The member or appropriate delegate, e.g., Parent/guardian refuses an IHA, and this is documented in the member’s medical record
  • The member does not schedule an IHA or show up to a planned IHA, and the provider makes reasonable attempts to outreach to the member and documents in the member’s medical record 
What is needed for a complete IHA?

Per Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) requirements, APL 22-030, the IHA must be provided in a primary care settings in a manner culturally and linguistically appropriate for the member, using a validated assessment and include: 

  1. Comprehensive physical and mental health history
  2. Identification of risks
  3. Assessment for preventive screens or services (e.g., immunization records, laboratory testing such as blood lead screening for applicable members)
  4. Health education
  5. Diagnoses and Plan of Treatment for any diseases 

Note: The following Managed Care Accountability Set (MCAS) Quality Measures when addressed and documented also serve to complete an IHA:

  • Depression screening and follow-up for adolescents and adults
  • Child and adolescent well care visits
  • Childhood immunization status combination 10
  • Developmental screening in the first three years of life
  • Immunizations for adolescents-combination 2
  • Lead screening in children
  • Topical fluoride for children
  • Well-child visits in the first 30 months of life -0 to 15 months – Six or more
  • Well-child visits in the first 30 months of life-15 to 30 months –Two or more
  • Chlamydia screening in women
  • Breast cancer screening
  • Cervical cancer screening
  • Adults’ access to preventive/ambulatory health services
Do providers need to submit proof of each completed or met IHA?

Not currently. However, providers must document the IHA components within the member’s medical record. They are encouraged to submit the appropriate encounter and ICD-10 and CPT codes for any screening or treatment provided to capture the IHA. In addition, providers will be required to provide evidence when requested for monitoring or auditing to prove completion of IHA components in a file review or proof of exclusions met through documented outreach, etc. Please share the enclosed code sheet with office staff involved with claim or encounter submission. Telehealth codes may be used as well, where appropriate. 

CPT codes are available for assessing health/nutrition (96156), psychosocial status (96152), and individual or group counseling. Please use these in addition to regular Evaluation and Management (E&M) codes. The enclosed table outlines descriptions and codes for each specific purpose and age group.

How can L.A. Care help?

For questions about IHAs contact

For more information on the Health Education programs available through L.A. Care, please call the L.A. Care’s Health Education & Cultural and Linguistic Department at (855) 856-6943 or email to