L.A. Care Medical Director for Behavioral Health and Social Services Receives Community Contribution Award

Aunt Bertha, the company that operates a search tool to help connect people to much-needed social services, has honored Michael Brodsky, MD, the Medical Director for Behavioral Health and Social Services at L.A. Care Health Plan, with its Community Contribution Award. The award goes to individuals who go above and beyond to improve access to social care resources in their communities.  

Erine Gray, the CEO of Aunt Bertha, said the company’s customer service team nominated Brodsky for the award last month based on his “steadfast clarity of vision, thoughtful articulation and decisiveness, and undeniable warmth and humility.”

Aunt Bertha helped L.A. Care, the largest publicly operated health plan in the country, launch L.A. Care Community Link. L.A. Care Community Link is a free search tool that connects members and the community to free and low-cost social services assistance in areas such as food and housing.  Brodsky helped promote greater awareness of the resources on L.A. Care Community Link and helped develop Aunt Bertha’s Los Angeles Resource Collaborative.

Well before the COVID-19 pandemic, Brodsky looked beyond the borders of L.A. Care, prioritizing collaboration with other health plans and community organizations in Los Angeles County to help build a social care network. Gray said at the onset of the pandemic, Brodsky quickly recognized the staggering need for food, housing and other social service assistance and moved to consolidate local program changes and send them to the Aunt Bertha team to add to the search platform.

A member of the Aunt Bertha customer service team said this of Dr. Brodsky: “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. Dr. Brodsky truly embodies this spirit.”

Aunt Bertha says Brodsky’s contributions to the Aunt Bertha network, collaborative spirit and innovative perspective on healthcare has had a meaningful impact on the community that L.A. Care serves, which goes beyond its more than 2.2 million members.

Read Aunt Bertha's blog on Dr. Michael Brodsky and the L.A. Care partnership.