Direct Network PCP and Specialists Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming an L.A. Care Health Plan network provider. This form is necessary to perform an initial assessment to confirm your eligibility for participation. The L.A. Care Direct Network is our directly contracted network. Physicians can see L.A. Care members without being affiliated with an IPA. At this time the L.A. Care Direct Network is for Medi-Cal only. All providers who apply for the Direct Network must be a Medi-Cal provider.

Are you either an individual or group practice?
Select if you are either PCP, Specialist, Both (Multi-specialty group)
Certification (check all applicable boxes)

If you are submitting a Letter of Interest for more than one provider or location, please attach a Roster with the following information (Individual Practitioner Name, Degree (MD, DO, PA, NP, etc.), Specialties, Primary, Secondary, CAQH # (if applicable), Type I (Individual, NPI #, List Each Practitioner’s Locations and Days and Hours of Operation at Each Location.

One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, txt, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, zip.