Medi-Cal ID Card

As a member of L.A. Care, you will get an L.A. Care ID card. You must show your L.A. Care ID card and your Medi-Cal Benefits Identification Card (BIC) when you get any health care services or prescriptions. You should carry all health cards with you at all times.

Getting Your L.A. Care ID Card

When you enroll in L.A. Care, you should receive an L.A. Care ID card within two weeks of enrollment. The ID card is mailed separately from your Welcome Packet. 

If You Do Not Receive Your ID Card or You Lost It

If you do not get your L.A. Care ID card within a few weeks of enrolling, or if your card is damaged, lost or stolen, you may order a new one through L.A. Care Connect, your online member account, or by calling Member Services. L.A. Care will send you a new card. Call 1-888-839-9909 (TTY: 711).

Understanding Your ID Card

Your Member ID Card contains important information. Below is an explanation of what you will find displayed on your Member ID Card.

Front of Card

Medi-Cal Member ID Card Front

Medi-Cal Member Dual Risk ID Card Front

Medi-Cal Member Medi-Medi ID Card Front

Medi-Cal Program: This title indicates that you are enrolled in our Medi-Cal Health Coverage Program at L.A. Care. 

Name: Your name will be displayed on the Member ID Card. Only the person named on the Member ID Card may use this card to obtain services.

Member ID:  This number is unique to you and will be requested when calling Member Services or can be used to create a member profile on L.A. Care Connect

Effective Date: The date your health coverage begins. Your effective date of coverage is the 1st day of the month following completion of enrollment in a health plan.

Back of Card

Medi-Cal Member ID Card Back

Member Services: This is the number you can call to get information such as requesting an ID card, change your PCP and ask about your covered health benefits.

Nurse Advice Line: This is the number you can contact if you have questions regarding a non-emergency medical situation or concern. A nurse will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions and offer advice.