Do I Qualify?

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Medi-Cal is California’s version of the Medicaid health care program that provides comprehensive free or low-cost health care coverage to California residents with limited income. 

As of January 1, 2024, a new law in California allows all Californians access to full-scope Medi-Cal if qualified. Unlike before, immigration status does not matter.

Who is eligible for L.A. Care Medi-Cal?

  • People who live in Los Angeles County, regardless of their immigration status
  • People who meet the income guidelines and qualify for Medi-Cal

Adult Eligibility

Adults, including both parents and adults without children, with yearly earnings up to 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) qualify for Medi-Cal. The qualifying income criteria varies by family size. Below are examples of qualifying income limits for adults. You can also view Medi-Cal qualifying income information from the Department of Health Care Services.

  • Family of 1: Yearly earnings of less than $21,597
  • Family of 2: Yearly earnings of less than $29,187
  • Family of 3: Yearly earnings of less than $36,777
  • Family of 4: Yearly earnings of less than $44,367
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Infants and Children Eligibility

Infants and children, ages 0-19, in families with yearly earnings up to 266% of the FPL qualify for Medi-Cal. The qualifying income criteria varies by family size. Below are examples of qualifying income limits for children. You can also view Medi-Cal qualifying income information for children from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services.

  • Family of 1: Yearly earnings of less than $41,629
  • Family of 2: Yearly earnings of less than $56,259
  • Family of 3: Yearly earnings of less than $70,889
  • Family of 4: Yearly earnings of less than $85,519
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How much will I pay

Medi-Cal with L.A. Care is free for families who qualify. There are no monthly premiums or co-pays.

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How do I apply for Medi-Cal?

Please visit our How to Join page for more information on applying for Medi-Cal and joining L.A. Care Health Plan. You can also contact us at 1-888-4LA-CARE (1-888-452-2273) for more information.