L.A. Care is Marking Red Cross Month by Hosting a Blood Drive

Red Cross Month is an annual tradition going back to 1943. During March, the American Red Cross celebrates all who help with its mission of turning compassion into action. L.A. Care is proud to be among those supporting that mission, by holding a blood drive tomorrow, March 23, just one day before Red Cross Giving Day.

This will be the sixth blood drive that L.A. Care has hosted since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The pandemic forced cancellation of thousands of blood drives across the country, which at times created a critical shortage. L.A. Care has been committed to helpingthe Red Cross meet the ongoing blood needs of residents in Los Angeles County.

L.A. Care’s Medical Director for Quality, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will be on hand for tomorrow’s blood drive. Dr. James Kyle is hoping to help the American Red Cross get out the word about the need for more Black blood donors. Black blood donations are crtically important for the treatment of sickle cell disease, but the Red Cross says they have decreased during the pandemic.

The Red Cross staff will follow strict safety protocols, including holding the drive in a large conference room, to allow for proper social distancing.

Other Red Cross safety protocols include:

  • Both volunteers and donors will wear masks at all times
  • Staff will wear gloves and change them often
  • All donor-touched surfaces will be sanitized after each donation
  • Sterile collection sets will be used for every donation
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided for use before entering and throughout the donation appointment 
  • Temperature will be checked before donors enter the blood drive

The American Red Cross will be at:
L.A. Care Health Plan
1055 West 7th Street, Los Angeles, Room 100
Tuesday, March 23
9:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Media welcome 10:00 am – Noon

Sign up to donate here.