Director of Safety Net Programs Shares our Housing for Health Partnership
WASHINGTON, D.C. — L.A. Care Health Plan, the nation's largest publicly-operated health plan in the country, is a leader in developing innovative partnerships designed to provide health coverage to vulnerable populations, and today one of those partnerships was featured at the 2019 CEO Summit of the Association for Community Affiliated Plans (ACAP). Alison Klurfeld, L.A. Care's Director of Safety Net Programs and Partnerships, was one of three people on a panel titled Social Determinants of Health: The Why and the What.
Klurfeld explained that L.A. Care is committed to addressing five priority areas of social determinants of health (SDOH) through a variety of investments, pilots and new programs. The five areas include: housing and homelessness, food security, income security, transportation, and early childhood education and development.
Klurfeld's presentation went on to detail how L.A. Care is tackling homelessness. Through a $20 million commitment over five years, L.A. Care will ensure that 300+ Angelenos no longer have to manage their health conditions on the streets. Klurfeld explained how L.A. Care case managers and social workers are working with the Los Angeles County Housing for Health program, hospitals, clinics, physician groups and the Brilliant Corners housing agency to make this happen. So far, 291 individuals have been housed through L.A. Care's grant.