2025 Board and Committee Meeting Schedule - This schedule is effective as of August 28, 2024 and is subject to change.  Please check the L.A. Care events webpage for the most up to date listing of meetings.


Next Board Meeting

The next meeting is on March 6, 2025 at 1:00 P.M.

Please check meeting agenda for the meeting location.

2025 Board and Committee Meeting Schedule


Meeting Materials

View meeting materials for the current fiscal year.

Meeting Materials →

Our Board Members

Meet the leaders who ensure accountability, provide oversight and guide L.A. Care.

Meet Our Board →



Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals who may require any accommodations (alternative formats – i.e., large print, audio, translation of meeting materials, interpretation, etc.) to participate in this meeting and wish to request an alternative format for the agenda, meeting notice, and meeting packet may contact L.A. Care's Board Services Department at 213-428-5500. Notification at least one week before the meeting will enable us to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meetings and to the related materials.


Meeting Materials

3.6.2025Board of Governors MeetingAgenda  Meeting Packet  Agenda (Español)
2.6.2025Board of Governors MeetingAgenda  Meeting Packet  Agenda (Español)
12.05.2024Board of Governors MeetingAgenda Meeting Packet (Updated) Agenda (Español)
11.07.2024Board of Governors MeetingAgenda Meeting Packet Agenda (Espanol) 
10.03.2024Board of Governors MeetingAgenda Meeting Packet Agenda (Español)
9.5.2024Board of Governors MeetingAgenda Agenda (Español) Meeting Packet
8.29.2024Board of Governors MeetingSpecial Meeting Agenda
8.27.2024Board of Governors Meeting Special Meeting Agenda Notice of Adjournment
7.25.2024Board of Governors MeetingNotice of Meeting Cancellation
6.06.2024Board of Governors MeetingAgenda Agenda (Spanish) Meeting Packet   
5.02.2024Board of Governors MeetingAgenda  Agenda (Spanish)  Meeting Packet  Minutes
4.04.2024Board of Governors MeetingAgenda Agenda (Spanish) Meeting Packet  Minutes
3.07.2024Board of Governors Meeting

Agenda Agenda (Spanish) Meeting Packet Special Meeting Agenda


2.01.2024Board of Governors Meeting

Agenda  Agenda (SP) Meeting Packet Special Meeting Agenda 


12.7.2023Board of Governors MeetingAgenda  Meeting Packet  Minutes
11.2.2023Board of Governors MeetingAgenda  Agenda (SP)  Meeting Packet Minutes
10.05.2023Board of Governors MeetingAgenda Meeting Packet Minutes 
09.07.2023Board of Governors RetreatAgenda Agenda (SP) Meeting Packet Minutes