L.A. Care's Pharmacy Services offers several resources and guidelines to assist you with prescribing medications to our members.
L.A. Care understands the challenges of medication adherence, and approaches this complex issue by working collaboratively with our physicians, pharmacists and members. We've outlined some steps to improve medication adherence, and also discuss some of the major coordination issues we all face.
Certain formulary medications and all non-formulary medications require a written Prior Authorization (PA) request to be submitted by the prescribing practitioner for our L.A. Care members. You can view policies on generic substitution, step therapy and other programs, as well as access forms.
Drugs on the L.A. Care formulary have been approved by the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. The formulary is designed to represent a variety of clinically and cost-effective pharmacotherapeutic options for your patients.
Coverage of medications can vary from plan to plan. L.A. Care can also provide your patients a copy of the formulary in their preferred language, large print, audio, or alternate format.
You can now use our Formulary Search to find out if a medication is covered under an L.A. Care health plan.
L.A. Care's Managed Care Pharmacy Residency Program is designed to develop advanced skills in various pharmacy practice settings and will provide in-depth experiences such as clinical programs development, formulary management, pharmacy operations and much more.
Visit our Manuals and Forms page for more resources.
If you need further assistance, please call L.A. Care's Provider Services.
Phone: 1-866-522-2736