Clinical Criteria

Utilization Management (UM) Clinical Criteria Hierarchy

L.A. Care uses clinical criteria for decisions used within Utilization Management and or delegated PPG/IPAs. This is for our Medi-Cal, Medicare Plan, L.A. Care Covered, L.A. Care Covered Direct, and PASC-SEIU Health Plan. View the Clinical Criteria Hierarchy.

Clinical Validations Guidelines (for payment integrity)

L.A Care uses Payment Integrity – Clinical Validation Guidelines that refers to ensuring that payments made for health care services are accurate, appropriate, and in compliance with applicable regulations and standards.

Clinical validation guidelines play a critical role in maintaining payment integrity by verifying that the medical services provided are necessary, properly documented, and billed according to accepted clinical and coding standards.

Medical Necessity Guidelines

Utilization management (UM) applies "medical necessity guidelines" as defined by the criteria used to determine if a healthcare service or procedure is considered medically necessary, ensuring that treatments are appropriate, effective, and aligned with accepted medical standard.